
How Many Rhinestones To Cover A Tumbler

CalculatorTo aid you with your rhinestone embellishment project(south), we built ii rhinestone calculators. The starting time reckoner, a Foursquare Area Calculator, is for estimating an area of rhinestone coverage; The 2nd calculator allows you to calculate a cord, a solid row of rhinestones. These calculators will get y'all started.. Still, if you need further help, of course, call us... We are here to help you.

Disclaimer: The calculators provide estimated quantities of rhinestones needed. If yous have Whatsoever questions please telephone call us.

*For the estimator to operate yous must accept/allow for Running Scripts.*

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Lesson 1 - New To Rhinestones? START HERE!
Click HereStart past reading Introduction to rhinestones.
Here you will acquire all about rhinestones. What are rhinestones, the type of rhinestones, rhinestones' brilliance, quality, sizes, methods of attachments and more
Lesson ii - What rhinestones shall I use?
Click HereHither the Rhinestone Guy gives you lot his stance about lead in rhinestones. What rhinestones to use for which project, and more..
  • Square Area-Instructions
  • Single Row -Instructions

Area Measure chart

The SQUARE AREA RHINESTONE CALCULATOR is for calculating a design, thick letters, a cell phone case, shoes, etc..

Footstep 1: The start step is measuring the surface area y'all are covering. You lot tin can either department the pattern to divide parts or sections and measure out the area of each office (continue rail of each department). Alternatively, you lot tin estimate the area (the easy but not every bit authentic - will requite you Actress rhinestones).

Rhinestones Interlaced Rhinestones Square Set Stride 2: Make up one's mind how are you going to ready the rhinestones.

There are two means to fix rhinestones in an area: Interlaced or Square set.

Interlaced - the rhinestones are gear up in an get-go pattern. This method provides maximum, tight, area coverage with rhinestones and volition require more rhinestones. If y'all are doing a square area, however, y'all may demand smaller stones to fill in the edge gaps.

Square set is where the stones are placed in directly rows.

If you are spacing the stones you will need to have a different blazon of calculation.

Footstep three: Select the rhinestone size you would like to work with.

Note: If you accept a full square area, put the total square are in the length field and the number ane in the width field

i gross = 144 rhinestones

The SINGLE ROW CALCULATER will provide you with a stone/gross count for placing rhinestones 1 Adjacent TO EACH OTHER- on a unmarried row.

This figurer tin aid you to estimate, for example, an outline or a single row swirl design. You can utilise a thread to measure the total length that you need, select a stone size and go a calculation.

Rhinestones in a Row

1 gross = 144 rhinestones

If you lot are planning on spacing your rhinestones, do non use this calculator. Spacing stones will require some math.

The easiest way is practise make up one's mind how many you are going to spread over an inch and multiply past the # of inches. Go on in mind the larger the rhinestones the less spacing y'all have between the stones and vice versa.

For example: Let say that we will be spreading 3 (3) 20ss rhinestones over an inch. So if yous have 5 inches to cover, y'all would need fifteen rhinestones. This is very simplified and will give you lot some extra stones.

If you desire to be more precise in spacing, for example, spacing the stones an inch autonomously the calculation would be different. You lot will demand to accept into account the size of the rhinestone and the spacing.

For example: 3 rhinestones, size 30ss prepare apart i/2 inch will cover ane.75 inches. (1/4" for rock and i/2" for the space.
See the illustration below:

30ss Rhinestones with ruler


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