
How To Center A Background On Scratch


There's already the cross-hair centering thing implemented on the website.

I know how to heart a sprite (I call up), here's how:
- Offset, find your sprite (eastward.grand. Mario) on the internet, and then download information technology.
-And so edit it (non in Scratch) so the background is transparent around the sprite.
-Side by side create a new blank sprite on scratch and become into the costumes.
-Import your sprite (Mario) as a costume in the new bare sprite, and in that location you have it!
I promise this helps, I never tried it yet, though.

This isn't the correct identify to be posting tutorials on how to center a sprite…


I recollect a meliorate thought would be to accept the cantankerous hair in the forepart of a paradigm that this feature just I'm ok with both.


WolfCat67 wrote:

There's already the cross-pilus centering thing implemented on the website.
This isn't the correct place to be posting tutorials on how to center a sprite…

I think they mean after they edited it and its too belatedly to go dorsum. When trying to eye afterwards that, the cantankerous hair is hidden nether the sprite. I thing they should make the cantankerous pilus go to front.


Empty-Map wrote:

WolfCat67 wrote:

In that location's already the cross-hair centering thing implemented on the website.
This isn't the right place to exist posting tutorials on how to center a sprite…

I call up they mean later they edited it and its too late to become back. When trying to centre after that, the cross pilus is hidden nether the sprite. I thing they should make the cross hair become to front.

No, I mean, there is already a centering tool available in the website. You click on a weird, improver-sign looking thing in the meridian correct mitt corner of the sprite editor, then you move the giant crosshair that appears to be in the middle of your sprite. So, information technology volition movement the sprite to the middle accordingly.


Nether_before wrote:

Support simply if the onetime method of centering sprites still remains, because I like it.

What the user is suggesting with this topic is adding a feature that motorcar-centers the costume when you double-click with the "set costume center" tool. Total SUPPORT


WolfCat67 wrote:

Empty-Map wrote:

WolfCat67 wrote:

There's already the cross-hair centering thing implemented on the website.
This isn't the right place to be posting tutorials on how to centre a sprite…

I think they mean after they edited information technology and its too belatedly to go back. When trying to centre subsequently that, the cantankerous hair is hidden under the sprite. I matter they should make the cross pilus go to front.
No, I hateful, there is already a centering tool bachelor in the website. Yous click on a weird, addition-sign looking thing in the top right manus corner of the sprite editor, and then you move the giant crosshair that appears to be in the middle of your sprite. Then, information technology will move the sprite to the center accordingly.

This is a fashion to auto-center the sprite, not how to set the heart.


Aye SUPPORT. Sry if I can't suggest, but what I'd as well dearest is if there was a script that could center a point. For case:

Centre [sprite one v] effectually 10: () Y: ()

This would be REALLY useful for uncomplicated 3D graphics, every bit fisheye could make 3D perspective effect without any complicated code.



I cannot go my sprite to stay in the middle


How virtually a button like the "clear", "add", and "import" buttons?


Laternenpfahl wrote:

Many people want to middle the costumes of their sprites, but information technology is currently hard to do and so. Thus, I suggest Double-clicking to center the center point on the center of the costume, or if any item(due south) is/are selected, its/their center.

Yep!!! very helpful suggestion



it would be nice though if you could practise it with blocks


Yes that would help a lot. Support


Semi-Back up

What if you had a turret (similar the ones in and yous wanted to machine-eye it on the circle office, not the whole costume?
Otherwise, this is a expert suggestion.


EliteProgramming wrote:


What if you had a turret (like the ones in and you wanted to auto-center it on the circle role, not the whole costume?
Otherwise, this is a good proposition.

I don't see how that'south a reason to change to semi-back up. Information technology's not like suggestions are made to handle every little matter.


Laternenpfahl wrote:

Many people desire to center the costumes of their sprites, just it is currently hard to do so. Thus, I propose Double-clicking to middle the center point on the eye of the costume, or if whatever particular(s) is/are selected, its/their centre.

mabey i treid tho 2017 btw


(kind of) necroposting because this would exist then incredibly useful for building simple inventory systems.


To align the sprite costume in graphics editor to its window middle it may be useful to draw or to import auxiliary big centering cross image in vector (SVG) format. When selected sprite box is centered to cross lines then select that cross image and remove it.


Support! This is possible to do with the actual heart tool, merely that's not perfect.


You could easily center your custom sprite by saving information technology to local file and so uploading it back into the project. I hope this helped!


kenny2scratch wrote:

Nether_before wrote:

Back up just if the old method of centering sprites still remains, considering I like information technology.
What the user is suggesting with this topic is adding a feature that car-centers the costume when you lot double-click with the "set costume center" tool. Full SUPPORT

Support for reasons in a higher place, though would just like it to be another selection next to the flip horizontially/vertically buttons.

How To Center A Background On Scratch,


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